Virgin Media is testing in Cambridgeshire, UK, an 8Gb/s cable service to a small subset of subscribers. (Currently, the trial supports eight households, but can extend to 50 over time).…
Riposte to Microsoft’s VMware in Azure
VMware has issued a blog post riposte to Microsoft's recent announcement supporting VMware in the Azure environment. It uses Microsoft's deployment of VMware as an argument that they are indeed the…
AstroPi receives upgrades and ISS roaming
The Raspberry Pi Foundation has published a note about planned upgrades to the two AstroPi devices aboard the International Space Station. Based on the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B+, the AstroPi…
PicoCluster create ARM NFV platform in a box
PicoCluster is known for making ARM clusters, with a selection of Raspberry Pi, oDroid or Pine64 platforms, switches and connections to the outside world in an acrylic cube. They recently…
VMware NSX gains EAL2+ Certification
VMware have announced that their NSX 6.3 software defined network platform has gained the EAL2+ certification against the Common Criteria (ISO/IEC-15408). This Evaluation Assurance Level ensures that the system has…
Bloodhound to be let loose at Newquay AeroHub
The Bloodhound SSC project has just announced that they are to do the first public runs of the vehicle in Newquay on 26th October 2017. This will occur at the…
IPv6 – 5 years after World IPv6 Launch Day – where are we now?

A long time back, the Internet was small. It had addresses, but only 4.29 billion of them. Back in 1979, when the addressing was being solidified, that must have seemed…
IBM provides Cloud Managed vCPE
IBM is promoting its Cloud Managed vCPE solution ahead of the TM Forum Live in Nice this week. Leveraging the power of the IBM bluemix cloud, the platform provides the…