The SneakerNet was a way to move data around companies before high bandwidth network links. Data would be copied to a floppy disk, and then physically walked in your sneakers…
IPv6 – 5 years after World IPv6 Launch Day – where are we now?

A long time back, the Internet was small. It had addresses, but only 4.29 billion of them. Back in 1979, when the addressing was being solidified, that must have seemed…
Aryaka State of the WAN Report 2017
Aryaka released their State of the WAN report for 2017 today. This is a report that uses data gathered from over 5000 locations in 63 countries, and reports on the…
Meraki introduces virtual MX gateway for AWS
Cisco's Meraki division has expanded their MX gateway product, with a virtual instance for installation on Amazon's AWS platform. Meraki uses the cloud for its management; it is a good fit.…
The Register: But… surely every day is world backup day?
The Register is reporting that today is the 7th World Backup Day. I'll bet you didn't know that. It is a good time to dust of the backup/restore procedure manual…
ArsTechnica: Optane to become the new RAM?
ArsTechnica reports that Intel has released a new SSD that supports their Optane technology (previously known as X-Point technology), which can be also used as RAM. We'll have to see…
Amazon S3 outage on Tuesday – the growth of complexity.
So if you've been experiencing problems with access to some web sites and platforms on Tuesday 28th February 2017 between 09:37 and 13:54PST, you may have been a victim of…
Product Announcement: Cisco ENCS5000 NFV platform
One of the announcements at CiscoLive was the Cisco ENCS5000 NFV platform. ENCS5000 is effectively Cisco's branch-in-a-box device for running a virtualised routing, security and NFV platform. It uses the…