A concert with Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli and soprano Maria Luigia Borsi in the decorated Teatro Verdi, in Florence, would not normally be something that I would cover. But they weren't the ones people…
IPv6 – 5 years after World IPv6 Launch Day – where are we now?

A long time back, the Internet was small. It had addresses, but only 4.29 billion of them. Back in 1979, when the addressing was being solidified, that must have seemed…
Uber Adopts IPv6, the Next-Gen Internet Protocol
Uber, the taxi company with no vehicles, has provided an interesting insight into their network infrastructure. Being a global company, they need to be accessible by those locations that are…
On the seriousness of IETF RFC documentation in April.
The IETF release a lot of documentation in the form of RFCs (Request for Comments), providing the foundation for the standardisation of the Internet. But not all of these are…
What are the choices for SD-WAN currently?
There is a lot of hype over SD-WAN at the moment, with movements by telcos and OEM suppliers investing in some of the new startups. And folks that have been…
The Great British Internet Filter – how to protect children from the “bad” parts of the Internet
Yesterday David Cameron, Prime Minister, made a speech about making the internet safer for children by cracking down on online pornography. Let's look at what he said about an Internet…
Prediction proved: SSDs now cheaper than hard disks
In my previous post Will the Thailand floods prompt a move to SSDs?, I posited that the floods in Thailand would increase the price of traditional spinning media so that…
Bufferbloat – or why you need intelligent edge control of flows
As part of an investigation into several other things, my Internet research dredged up some work by Jim Gettys on Bufferbloat, which was related closely enough to my intended target…