The Raspberry Pi Foundation has launched an updated version of their Compute Module, moving the CM3 to the CM3+ standard. Their blog announced the new upgraded versions (Compute Module 3+…
Raspberry Pi Foundation release updated Model A+
The Raspberry Pi foundation yesterday released a new iteration of the popular maker board. Previously updates have focused on the more capable networked Model B which has provided wired connectivity.…
On π day, Raspberry Pi Foundation launch the Pi 3 Model B+
Today is Pi Day, so called because the date, written in the backwards fashion favoured by our American cousins, as 3 14 is a close approximation to the constant that defines…
AstroPi receives upgrades and ISS roaming
The Raspberry Pi Foundation has published a note about planned upgrades to the two AstroPi devices aboard the International Space Station. Based on the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B+, the AstroPi…