Yesterday Ipanema Technologies was acquired by InfoVista, with an announcement in this press release. Given that InfoVista doesn't have an Application Performance Guarantee solution in its portfolio, it's unlikely that…
Purple and Blue? Completed Packeteer and BlueCoat merger information
So Packeteer and BlueCoat have done the deed (as covered in my initial post Purple and Blue - Packeteer and BlueCoat), and Packeteer is now "A BlueCoat Company". Quick take-aways…
Purple and Blue? Packeteer and BlueCoat
So there's loads of stuff on the net about the upcoming merger between BlueCoat and Packeteer. I'm going to add my own 2p to the thoughts, as I think that…
Packetshaper and PolicyCentre reconnections.
The large legal organization which I do some work for has had some issues recently.. for some reason the PolicyCentre for their Packetshaper environment has stopped responding (it can be…