Microsoft has splashed out again. They have just acquired open-source source code management and sharing platform GitHub for $7.5bn. GitHub has a community of 28 million developers and hosts 85…
IPv6 Security Myths
I've been reading an article on on various IPv6 security myths. IPv6 was originally proposed with several in-built security features. Expectations have expanded over time to IPv6 to be…
LinkedIn Passes 50% IPv6 Traffic Milestone
If you thing that IPv6 traffic isn't taking off, think again. Linkedin has seen IPv6 traffic reach more than 50% of the volume received. In their blog post, they state…
Enforcing DNS security by selecting servers through port-forwarding
With lots of different devices now using our networks, we would like to keep them safe. We can prevent users from being a risk to themselves and others while attached…
IPv6 – 5 years after World IPv6 Launch Day – where are we now?

A long time back, the Internet was small. It had addresses, but only 4.29 billion of them. Back in 1979, when the addressing was being solidified, that must have seemed…