The Things Network reports that intrepid makers have extended the distance at which a LoRa packet reached one of their gateways. You may remember one of my earlier posts, in…
LinkedIn Passes 50% IPv6 Traffic Milestone
If you thing that IPv6 traffic isn't taking off, think again. Linkedin has seen IPv6 traffic reach more than 50% of the volume received. In their blog post, they state…
SDxCentral: Sandvine brought by Private Equity to be merged with Procera
SDxCentral reports that the venture capital company which owns Procera Networks is purchasing all remaining stock in Sandvine Networks to merge them together. Francisco Partners and PNI, affiliate companies are…
MDSec produce PowerShell delivery via DNS
Remember a few months ago, I posted a piece via Engadget about Cisco's Talos team finding bot control traffic in DNS data. Now MDSec have produced and published a proof…
IBM prepares for cognitive Wimbledon
IBM continues its partnership with ALTEC this year with innovative cognitive solutions to help the visitor and media. The Wimbledon Open Tennis Championships are overseen by ALTEC, the operating company…
IPv6 – 5 years after World IPv6 Launch Day – where are we now?

A long time back, the Internet was small. It had addresses, but only 4.29 billion of them. Back in 1979, when the addressing was being solidified, that must have seemed…
IP History – a look at what might have been.
We're approaching the fifth anniversary of the World IPv6 Launch Day. This is reflects the day in which the Internet had a world-wide validation of the IPv6 protocol. IPv6 supports additional hosts,…
Whatever happened to Blackberry?
A few years ago, you couldn't move in London on the Tube for businessmen checking and answering email on their Blackberry device. Now they have disappeared, being replaced by Apple…