Here we go with more network analysis tool building. Not content with the Wireshark on Centos post that seems quite popular, I've decided to look at some NetFlow tools. I…
IPv6 Security Myths
I've been reading an article on on various IPv6 security myths. IPv6 was originally proposed with several in-built security features. Expectations have expanded over time to IPv6 to be…
LinkedIn Passes 50% IPv6 Traffic Milestone
If you thing that IPv6 traffic isn't taking off, think again. Linkedin has seen IPv6 traffic reach more than 50% of the volume received. In their blog post, they state…
IPv6 – 5 years after World IPv6 Launch Day – where are we now?
A long time back, the Internet was small. It had addresses, but only 4.29 billion of them. Back in 1979, when the addressing was being solidified, that must have seemed…
IP History – a look at what might have been.
We're approaching the fifth anniversary of the World IPv6 Launch Day. This is reflects the day in which the Internet had a world-wide validation of the IPv6 protocol. IPv6 supports additional hosts,…
Uber Adopts IPv6, the Next-Gen Internet Protocol
Uber, the taxi company with no vehicles, has provided an interesting insight into their network infrastructure. Being a global company, they need to be accessible by those locations that are…
SD-WAN – or should we say WAN4.0?
Is the current buzzword "SD-WAN" really new, or is it actually a progression of the WAN technologies we all know and love? Is it going to be a revolution or…
BEREC produces Guidelines on Implementation of EU Net Neutrality Rules
BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) has produced a guideline document on the implementation of the recently enacted EU Net Neutrality rules. Adoption of the Regulation (EU) 2015/2120…