One of the things that have cropped up in my news feed recently was this: The Loop: A documentary on IBM Design Thinking. You'll need to handover the obligatory contact details…
Engadget: Virgin Media Wifi is starting to add capacity to it’s network
Virgin Media Wifi is starting to add capacity to its network, using customers SuperHub v3 routers to according to Engadget. This will use separate bandwidth provisioned to the SuperHub router…
Further infinite musings on monkeys (1 of ?)
When Émile Borel first wrote about his singes dactylographes as a thought experiment about thermodynamics for his article in 1913 titled "Mécanique Statistique et Irréversibilité", little did he know he'd…
Fixing resource constraints with an infinite number of monkeys
As part of the training I am receiving as an element of the new role, I recently partook in a Design Thinking course, where as there are no wrong or…