What I initially needed IPDetails to offer A couple of months ago I needed a tool that allowed me to gather more information on IP addresses that I'd collected using…
Azure Data Box is Microsoft’s Snowball and Azure’s sneakernet
Microsoft's Azure platform is gaining a portable hard disk import capability. The shippable disk transfer device will bring them into line with Google's Transfer Appliance and Amazon's AWS Snowball (but…
Arista suspends US imports in Cisco patent dispute
Arista have filed with the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) in the US that they are suspending imports into the US. This is to comply with a ruling made earlier…
#SaferInternetDay – so let’s sign some things, like that new repository
It's Safer Internet Day today. #giveasmile Part of being safe on the Internet is making sure you know what you are downloading.. so let's make sure that you're downloading those…
Amazon carry lots of Snowballs in their SnowMobile
Amazon have a service called AWS Snowball, but if you're importing a large dataset into the cloud, 80TB might simply not be enough. So now you can upgrade your transfers…
Amazon imports cloud data with Snowball
In 2009, Amazon created a service which allowed you send them your own hard disk, and have the data from it imported into their cloud. Snowball, the updated service Amazon…
Send your hard disk for Amazon to import data to cloud
Amazon is allowing users to ship them a hard disk with their data on it to allow it to be imported into the cloud. This overcomes the prime challenge of…