IBM has published in their policy blog, a piece about Data Responsibility. In this, they seek to address the questions about data in the cloud age. First, a personal note. We…
There’s a problem with IPv6 route lookup speed in Linux
The challenge The great thing about IPv6 is its larger IP address space, but this is also its weakness. That larger IP address space needs routing, potentially creating larger routing…
Building Wireshark 2.4.0 for CentOS 7
Some of you might have found the earlier post on Building a Wireshark for CentOS 7. Since then several releases of Wireshark have passed, and now Wireshark has released version…
IPv6 – 5 years after World IPv6 Launch Day – where are we now?

A long time back, the Internet was small. It had addresses, but only 4.29 billion of them. Back in 1979, when the addressing was being solidified, that must have seemed…
SD-WAN: What are the business benefits?
What are the business benefits of SD-WAN deployment? SD-WAN stands for a Software-Defined Wide Area Network. It simplifies network management. It reduces the cost of the network infrastructure. It provides…
IP History – a look at what might have been.
We're approaching the fifth anniversary of the World IPv6 Launch Day. This is reflects the day in which the Internet had a world-wide validation of the IPv6 protocol. IPv6 supports additional hosts,…
Aryaka State of the WAN Report 2017
Aryaka released their State of the WAN report for 2017 today. This is a report that uses data gathered from over 5000 locations in 63 countries, and reports on the…
Riverbed to acquire Xirrus targets SD-Branch?
Riverbed will acquire WiFi vendor Xirrus, expanding their SD-WAN and WiFi offerings. Both private companies will conclude the deal later this year. This acquisition will broaden Riverbed's SD-WAN portfolio, providing…