The Raspberry Pi foundation yesterday released a new iteration of the popular maker board. Previously updates have focused on the more capable networked Model B which has provided wired connectivity.…
Oracle sees future in Talari
Oracle today closed a deal to purchase Talari Networks completely. The deal is for an undisclosed sum but is unlikely to leave the previous investors in Talari out of pocket.…
Quantum Computers are faster, IBM proves
IBM's Research scientists have long spent time working on mathematical proofs. The latest proof that they have is that quantum computing will be faster than classical architectures. In classical computing,…
Installing Wireshark – Muddled Alternatives
You might have had some problems with Wireshark installations recently, I certainly have! After installing and removing the Wireshark files from the repository, I ended up with the error message…
Wireshark – Building RPMs a different way since 2.6.4
The Wireshark team are changing the way they support the toolsets to build the program. There are alerts at the end of the ./configure step that indicates configure: Builds using…
SiLK repository updates
The SiLK tool from the CERT team has been updated a while ago. Some work this weekend has seen the CentOS 7 repository that we maintain updated to support the…
RIP: Sir Charles Kuen Kao – Fiber Optic Pioneer
This week marks the death of Sir Charles Kuen Kao, one of modern networking's pioneers. He died on Sunday 23 September 2018, aged 84. Born in Shanghai in 1933, Charles…
Marvell completes acquisition of Cavium
In a post last year, we covered how Marvell has designs on Cavium. The deal has now been completed, with Marvell announcing yesterday (6 July 2018) the deal's completion. “The…