NASA are preparing to use Lasers to provide 1Gb/s speed network connectivity to space vehicles, The Register reports.
If they can deal with the tracking of moving objects (such as the ISS), then maybe we’ll be a step closer to Arthur C. Clarke‘s vision of three geo-synchronous communication satellites, communicating both with the ground and with other space vehicles, first postulated in February 1945 in a letter to the magazine Wireless World.
John Dixon
John Dixon is the Principal Consultant of thirteen-ten nanometre networks Ltd, based in Wiltshire, United Kingdom. He has a wide range of experience, (including, but not limited to) operating, designing and optimizing systems and networks for customers from global to domestic in scale. He has worked with many international brands to implement both data centres and wide-area networks across a range of industries. He is currently supporting a major SD-WAN vendor on the implementation of an environment supporting a major global fast-food chain.